Arthö van der Westhuizen

Expert Career

What was your favorite part of the career training?
The most valuable part of the training was learning different personality types and the impact of our individual cultures on how we react in various situations.

How do you use your acquired knowledge and skills in my day-to-day work?
Even though we are experts, we have no impact if we cannot work with people and together reach a common understanding and work towards a common goal.
This training has allowed me to tailor the way I deliver information to different people. Critically this also allows me to hear the opinion of others better and engage them in discussions.

How did you personally profit from taking part in the career training?
Learning how to better interact with people is not only extremely valuable in a work context, but also brings many benefits to my personal life. I am very grateful for this opportunity.

What characteristics are required to thrive in expert career training?
This path is for anyone who has particular skills and a passion within their field of work and desires to increase their influence within their field of expertise. The individual should be open to learning new things, getting to know new people and discovering aspects of themselves they never expected.

Why did you decide to change your career path from an expert role to a leadership role?
At RECARO, we are in a very exciting growth phase with composite components, where we are increasingly incorporating this technology into our products. Particularly in this phase, a strong technical understanding is of particular benefit in this leadership position. I am lucky to lead a team now that already has a high level of technical understanding and look forward to guiding it through this exciting growth phase.

Why would you recommend your career program to other colleagues?
The Expert career training program offers you the chance to mix with knowledgeable professionals within RECARO, whom you probably would not work with otherwise.