Tina Gundlaff

Leadership Career

What was your favorite part of the career training?
The program included training on a variety of topics that were ideally suited to a leadership career and the time was used very efficiently.

How do you use your acquired knowledge and skills in my day-to-day work?
Several training courses were specifically tailored to current challenges, such as the "Remote and Hybrid Leadership" training. I was able to apply this input directly and it enhances my current day-to-day work.

How did you personally profit from taking part in the career training?
I have enjoyed expanding my RECARO network beyond the boundaries of day-to-day business and deepen existing contacts. This will personally advance me beyond the duration of the program.

Why would you recommend your career program to other colleagues?
The program represents a valuable first step for colleagues who are aspiring to a leadership career. The time is also very valuable in expanding the internal network.

What characteristics are required to thrive in leadership career training?
Simultaneous participation in the program and the start of a leadership career are challenging. A certain level of ambition and motivation is necessary to make the best possible use of the time and to combine it with everyday work. Those who believe they can handle this should take advantage of this great opportunity.

Hannes Nuiding

Leadership Career

What was your favorite part of the career training?
My favorite parts were the practical exercises and the intense exchange with my colleagues and trainers, fostering a trusting collaboration and joint development.

How do you use your acquired knowledge and skills in my day-to-day work?
I utilize the skills and knowledge acquired during FLY to improve myself and my work on a daily basis. For instance, improved know-how as well as soft skills enable a better and clearer communication process.

How did you personally profit from taking part in the career training?
The trainings elicit new ideas and gain momentum within the group, which I find excellent. I profited from new information about topics such as resilience, personal promotion opportunities and visibility within the company.

Why would you recommend your career program to other colleagues?
The training is well thought out, wide-ranging and practical. It fosters one’s professional development, helps with expanding the network within the company and enables employees to achieve their career accomplishments.

What characteristics are required to thrive in leadership career training?
This is for all motivated colleagues who want to develop themselves and RECARO, who possess strong communication and interpersonal skills, for whom continuous learning is a matter of course, and who seek a trusting cooperation with their colleagues.